The quotes I wrote have a heart next to them.

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I hate those moments right before I sleep when I’m forced to think about all the things I’ve been trying so hard to forget.

If I could relive any part of my life, it would be the moments spent with you. I’d try it over and over until we got it right. You will always be my favorite part.

Yeah, I’m the ex-girlfriend that’s still in love with you, looking at your new girl and laughing my butt off because you obviously down-graded.

Everyone deserves someone who knows how to make things up again after making you feel bad. Not someone who’s just good with the word ‘sorry’.

I remember everything about that night. The memories keep coming back to haunt me. They cut deeper than any knife.

I bet you laugh, at the thought of me thinking for myself. And I bet you believe, that I’m better off with you than someone else.

I’m wondering if maybe, maybe time doesn’t matter. Maybe in a year or two, or whenever you need me again… I’ll be here.

It’s not that I’m mad at you, it’s that I hoped and I prayed you could be the one that never let me down. But you did.

When I look back now, that summer seemed to last forever and if I had the choice, yeah, I’d always be there. Those were the best days of my life.

Admit it. Sometimes, no matter how much you tell yourself you’re over someone, your heart knows the truth.

Don’t be mad because I said I don’t care. Be mad because I once did but you were too blind to see it.

You just can’t forget about the one you love over night. It’s just not possible. Either you love them, or you never did. Love fades, it doesn’t die.

Don’t feel sad over someone who gave up on you; feel sorry for them because they gave up on someone who would have never given up on them.

I just want someone who will stay in my life… so I won’t have to worry about another goodbye.

No calls.? I understand. No texts.? I understand. But when you see me with someone else, please understand.

True love.? I used to think it existed, until I got my heart torn and thrown aside, trampled upon and disregarded.

But I’ll never have you again. More importantly, you’ll never have me again. And I hope you know you lost the best lover you’ll ever have.

As much as you’ve left and came back into my life over and over, you’d think I’d be somewhat satisfied. But you know what.? I’m done letting you get the best of me. You’re either with me or you’re not. Make up your mind. [♥]

Does deleting you from my contact list remove the memories we had.? Nope. But if you wanted to find me, you would. If you even try, you can.

For me, it’s you. It always has been, it always will be. But what do I do when you don’t feel the same anymore.? And now someone else is who you adore. [♥]

Dear cupid, please stop giving me false hopes and wrong signals… sincerely, tired of meeting the wrong ones all the time.

You can’t just show up out of the blue and act like nothing’s happened. Did you forget that you’re the one that left.? I was doing just fine without you coming back and messing things up for me. [♥]

You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming.? That’s where I’ll always love you. That’s where I’ll be waiting.

When someone walks into your life after years of being gone, tell yourself that you’re over it and that you’ve moved on. It’s the best thing you can do for yourself, otherwise you’ll fall right back into the trap of falling in love with them all over again only to have them disappear. [♥]

Everyone can make you smile, but not everyone can make you happy.

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